How to Thank Someone for Taking Her Time and Reviewing Your Work

Feedback tin be helpful and sometimes life-changing. Of class, responding to positive feedback is easier, merely we sometimes get negative feedback.

Getting unexpected negative feedback can also feel like an ambush, like at my performance review at my job last twelvemonth.

I went into my review thinking all was well and was very surprised past what I perceived equally negative feedback. That night, I went domicile and cried. After processing what he said over the weekend, I agreed that in that location was some truth in the data he had given to me.

And in the end, I was thankful that he shared what he said (even if I didn't like it at the time, and the bug hadn't been mentioned previously). Equally a result, I could choose to make improvements from at present on.

This mail will focus on responding to personal feedback. If you need examples on how to respond to client reviews, check out the tips and templates from ReviewTrackers and learn more well-nigh negative reviews from customers here.

And you lot may also want to look at the example messages to thank someone for their insight.

A section of example messages for responding to positive feedback has been added to the bottom of this mail. These examples can help you with what to say when you've received a great review or other positive feedback.

Thanks for the Feedback Volume

In preparing for this post, I read part of the book Thanks for the Feedback. I read the get-go half before tiring of the examples and advice.

The volume seems skilful, but it was more than than what I needed at the time.  Yous can observe a complete summary of it hither.

I learned that there are three types of feedback:

  • Appreciation – give thanks acknowledge, connect.
  • Coaching – assistance to aggrandize knowledge, sharpen skills, address relationship imbalances.
  • Evaluation – to rate or rank confronting a gear up of standards, marshal expectations, and inform decision-making.

And with feedback, there is a giver and a receiver. Sometimes the giver and receiver are not on the same page of what blazon of feedback is being given or desired, causing friction. You lot may desire to clarify which type of feedback you'd like earlier request for the feedback.

How to give thanks someone for their feedback

Once you lot've received feedback that may have been positive, negative, or indifferent, you may desire to transport a thank you message.

  • Decide if you volition send an email or handwrite a annotation.
    • About probable, you lot volition send an email in work situations or hand-evangelize a note. In personal situations, yous may want to mail the note.
  • Use the template below to help structure your bulletin.
  • Be specific in your bulletin about why you are thankful for the feedback.
    • Did information technology help y'all meliorate something? Point out a blind spot? Help you brand a change?
  • Review the examples beneath for inspiration in what you could say in your message

Cheers for your feedback template

For the template and examples, replace words in [brackets] as appropriate for your situation. There are more details on the contents of thanks notes here.

[Person's proper noun]

Thanks for your feedback regarding [topic]. What you shared with me will aid me to improve [what y'all will improve]. Add another sentence or two (compliments are good!).

Thank you again (or some other closing),

[Your Name]

  • For negative feedback, you can acknowledge that information technology was hard or difficult to hear.
  • If you feel angry well-nigh negative feedback, expect a few days or and so to write your thank y'all. You don't want to say anything you volition regret later. And a niggling bit of time will requite you a take a chance to look for a nugget of truth in the feedback.
  • If you take a lot to say, yous can write a longer letter.
  • The examples below are only the center section of the note. Be sure to include the greeting,  the closing, and your name in your note.

Cheers for your feedback message examples

In full general, the best thank yous notes incorporate specific details and are non generic or cliche. I accept fabricated up scenarios for these examples, merely they may still feel a petty generic. I encourage you lot to replace or insert wording to make them specific for your situation.

For example, the first example refers to a project. In your notation, you could swap out the project with exactly what y'all were working on.

Office or work situations are common feedback situations, and then I used the feedback I've given or received at my job every bit the framework for the examples.

At the Part examples

Note: In that location is some other section below that focuses on positive feedback.

#1 Thank you for your feedback regarding my performance on the recent project. What yous shared with me volition aid me improve my advice with others on the next project. I appreciate your continued guidance.

#2 Your feedback during my annual review was much appreciated. Now, I know how to motility forward and what to focus on to improve my skills. I was surprised by

#3 Thanks for the feedback. I felt very appreciated after hearing your kind words nearly my abilities. Every bit you suggested, I will continue learning more than about [topic]. You are a peachy dominate!

#four Thank you for meeting with me and providing quick feedback. I was stuck on how to motility the situation forward. The wording y'all recommended for the email to the client was perfect. They responded speedily and are happy with us.

#v Cheers for the detailed feedback. At present I know what I need to do to refine the work processes. Your ideas were fantastic and not items the team had thought of.

#6 Thank you lot for the prissy feedback. I experience swell working on your team and recollect that I am valuable. I am grateful that y'all took the fourth dimension to tell me. Appreciation and acknowledgment feel smashing.

#seven In the meeting final week, yous provided me with some detailed feedback. Some of it was positive, and some of it was negative. I am glad you mixed in some positive as it fabricated hearing the negative points easier to hear. Over the weekend, I considered your feedback and have enrolled in the online learning courses you recommended.

#8 Cheers for taking the time to provide your feedback. Reaching out to you was hard as I wasn't sure what type of coaching you would be willing to give. I am grateful for your positive response and the mentoring meetings you lot've scheduled with me.

#ix Give thanks you for the kind feedback. I was shocked when [Manager's Name] passed on all the positive things you said about my new projection input. And I look forward to working with your team on future projects.

#10 I want to give thanks you for pointing out that I could be doing better with [consequence/skill] terminal calendar week. It was tough for me to hear as I idea I was doing fine, merely as I considered your examples, I realized that there are improvements that I can make. Sometimes it's just hard to hear negative feedback. I am also glad you told me, equally I think others on the squad have probably noticed the same bug.

Gentle Foliage Letters Baby Shower Thank You Cards

Outside the part / Personal examples

#ane Thank you for your prompt feedback. I am grateful that you told me about my problem with [blind spot problem] right away. I was non aware of it until you pointed information technology out. Now, I will be able to brand changes. Permit'south hope I can stick to the changes long term.

#2 Give thanks you for the quick feedback when I sent you my idea near [topic/book proposal/whatsoever it was]. Now, I can make some adjustments and start on the next steps.

#three Meeting expectations can be challenging. I am then glad that we finally talked nigh the household chores and made a plan that we are both happy with. Cheers for bringing it up and focusing just on the job upshot. You and I make a smashing team when we can piece of work together.

#4 I have enjoyed receiving tips and instructions from you during my physical therapy sessions. Your feedback about how to stretch and walk properly will change my life. My knees are hurting-free! And I will take your recommendation to work with a personal trainer once my therapy is completed.

#5 Thanks for your valuable feedback. I appreciate the time you lot took to review my budget with me. Your quest for financial independence has inspired me. With the changes y'all pointed out that you outlined, I anticipate saving several hundred dollars each month.

#6 Thank you for the nice feedback. Every bit a teacher, I receive much more than negative feedback than positive. It's the wonderful notes like yours that help proceed me going and showing up for class each day.

#vii You are a wonderful friend! Thank y'all for being willing to share feedback whenever you ask. I know I tin can trust you to tell me the truth, even if it'due south not what I want to hear. Your honesty has helped me meliorate in my areas [in the note, provide specific details] during the past years.

#8 Sometimes, we don't know what nosotros demand to improve until it'south pointed out. Cheers for your detailed feedback. I had no idea that I'd been rubbing you the wrong way with my liking approach to inquire lots of questions. I will take your suggestions to modify my behavior to ameliorate our human relationship and advice.

#ix Thanks for the feedback regarding how I tin improve [what yous needed to improve]. The 30-day reading programme you lot put together should assistance me stay focused and larn more than about [topic]. Let's programme to run into again side by side month.

Thank you for your positive feedback

Cheers for your positive feedback examples

These sample letters could exist written when responding to positive feedback from your boss, a coworker, employees, or someone else.

#ane Thank yous for your positive feedback during my review. Hearing what you had to say most my task performance felt great. I am looking forward to another wonderful yr at [Visitor Name].

#2 Thank you for taking the time to exit such good feedback throughout my twelvemonth-end evaluation. It was fantastic to hear what y'all had to say about my piece of work on the big projects. I'thou excited for another fantastic year to work together. Nosotros accept the best squad!

#3 I was excited and grateful to read all the positive reviews from my teammates during my beginning quarterly review. Your efforts to collect them are much appreciated. I am proud to be part of this team, and I will continue to build my skills as I acquire from others.

#4 I was ecstatic and pleased to read my coworkers' positive feedback. I am honored to be a member of this grouping, and I will continue to improve my abilities as I gain experience from others. Give thanks you for your positive feedback every bit well.

#five Thank you lot for the positive feedback regarding [topic]. I appreciate your comments and in-depth responses on where I'm doing well. With your long time feel with [topic], I value your feedback.

#6 While no i wants bad reviews, I appreciate that you included some positive feedback in my review. Hearing that I am doing well in some areas helped me experience less down about the areas where I am struggling. As you suggested, I will accept the additional grooming classes.

#7 I desire to give thanks you lot for your positive feedback. As I develop the new grooming textile for the client service department, it's helpful and encouraging to acquire that the new documentation is skillful. Thank y'all for taking the time to review information technology.

#8 Wow, thanks for your positive feedback. I was surprised by information technology and feel glad to know that you are happy with my work. I enjoy working on your team and continue to amend our customer relationships with the vendors.

#9 Hearing the positive feedback from you made my day! Give thanks you lot for praising me at the team coming together. You're a groovy boss to work for, and of course, I bask the whole team. I will look forrad to the next team collaboration project.

#ten Thank you for your positive feedback. I am grateful to know where my piece of work excels, as I can focus on getting those skills even better. Thank yous for taking the fourth dimension yesterday to share with me. I'thousand super excited about the next project.

Cheers for the feedback summary

Feedback tin can be used to meliorate your skills or made adjustments to your life. The feedback can come from friends, family, bosses, or someone else.

Writing a thanks message is one fashion to express your gratitude for the negative or positive feedback.

In that location are many examples to a higher place in this post to assist you write a great response.

Related Posts:

  • Thank you for the advice annotation examples
  • Thanks Note Messages For Your Boss
  • Thanks for the Encouragement or Back up Examples Messages


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