One Piece Chapter Usopp Defeats Sugar Again

For the chapter of the same name, come across Chapter 738.

Sugar is a special officeholder of the Donquixote Pirates' Trebol Army.[2] She was i of the most integral components of Doflamingo'due south plan in keeping Dressrosa in line, as any dissenters were turned into toys by her Hobi Hobi no Mi powers. She is also the younger sister of Monet.[7] Due to her actions and function, she is a supporting adversary during the Dressrosa Arc.


  • one Appearance
    • i.1 Gallery
  • 2 Personality
  • 3 Relationships
    • 3.1 Family
      • 3.ane.i Monet
    • three.2 Donquixote Pirates
      • Donquixote Doflamingo
      • iii.2.2 Trebol
      • iii.two.iii Others
    • 3.3 Enemies
      • iii.3.1 Harbinger Hat Pirates
  • 4 Abilities and Powers
    • 4.1 Concrete Abilities
    • 4.ii Devil Fruit
  • 5 History
    • 5.ane Past
    • five.2 Dressrosa Saga
      • 5.2.1 Punk Adventure Arc
      • five.two.2 Dressrosa Arc
  • 6 Major Battles
  • 7 Merchandise
    • 7.i Video Games
      • 7.1.1 Playable Appearances
      • Support Appearances
  • viii Trivia
  • 9 References
  • 10 Site Navigation


Carbohydrate appears to be a ten-year-quondam girl, simply is actually much older, beingness 22.[three] This halt in crumbling is due to the effects of her Devil Fruit.[2] She has aquamarine hair and dark blue eyes. During the takeover of Dressrosa, she wore a light-colored dress and a cape with bear-similar ears on the hood.[8] While she is in the underground world, she wears a white dress with light blue polka dots, a magenta hooded greatcoat with deport-like ears, a monocle shaped and worn like an eyepatch on her left centre, and a modest crown, too every bit open-toed sandals.[ix] Her monocle is pink with a purple lens.


Sugar 10 years ago.png

Carbohydrate x years ago.

Sugar's Manga Color Scheme.png

Sugar's color scheme in the manga.

Sugar Digitally Colored Manga.png

Sugar as an Adult.png

Sugar Anime Concept Art.png

Sugar's concept art from the anime.

Sugar Wake up!.png

Sugar's outfit as colored in the Wake up! opening.

Sugar Super Grand Battle X.png

Sugar Thousand Storm.png

Sugar Jumputi.png


She is loyal to Doflamingo and helped him take over the kingdom of Dressrosa. She is shown to be cruel, turning many citizens into toys and subjugating them into slavery, leaving them forgotten by anyone who knew them.[ten] [viii] [2] She took slap-up pride in what she did, as she was angry when the toys returned to their original forms and intended to exact her revenge. However, she yet seems to have some caste of empathy equally she looked a flake saddened upon seeing the dwarves' hopelessly naïve organized religion in Usoland despite him having seemingly abandoned them to their fate, indicating that she felt pity for them.

She has shown signs of childish behavior, equally demonstrated when she ran around the palace, looking for Doflamingo, after he had already left for Punk Hazard.[eleven]

Sugar appears to be fairly indifferent about the events that happen around her, as she showed no reaction when Babe 5 attacked Doflamingo. However, she happens to have a weak fortitude, as she became utterly terrified later on she forced Usopp to eat the extra-spicy Tatababasco-laced grape, at which bespeak he made a horrifying visage of pain that scared Carbohydrate into unconsciousness.[12] As a issue of this, she became terrified of long noses and things that looked similar long noses, condign scared when a long nosed soldier offered her some sausage.[13] She is besides capable of expressing shock, like when Trebol smashed a ship through the tower or got creeped out at the hands that sprouted on her and held her.

She is smart and perceptive as upon seeing the Tontattas confronting her, she immediately realized that the dwarves were with someone else in the belfry every bit they were quickly able of figuring out her lies in spite of their gullibility, and deduced that the dwarves had been up to something over the last year equally they had non come up to the palace during this time.

Carbohydrate has a fondness for grapes, which are apparently her favorite food. She frequently eats them off her fingers. She is shown to be quite rude to Trebol, despite the latter existence in charge of her protection.[14] She seems to exist annoyed when people consider her weak due to her kid-like appearance, to the point where she (literally) drops everything to show off her force.[15]

In spite of her appearance, Sugar is highly self-assured, confident in her abilities. She got annoyed when the dwarves charged at her because of her child-like appearance, and took information technology upon herself to turn most of them into toys. She even stepped in to salvage Doflamingo from Kyros by turning him into a toy. Even so, she does not seem to heed having support, as she did non listen having Trebol when facing against the remaining dwarves and Usopp. She is cunning, capable of using her childish appearance by putting up a facade of innocence to lure people in and so she could turn them into toys. Saccharide is capable of crying on cue and pretending to offer Luffy and Constabulary grapes equally a trap, and this would have succeeded if Usopp had not sniped a plant that traumatized her again. Sugar's conviction and pride tend to edge on overconfidence and a bit of arrogance that caused the downfall of non simply her but likewise Doflamingo. When Usopp was on the verge of unconsciousness, Sugar refused to render to the castle and fed him the Tatababasco-laced grape, which led to Usopp making a horrifying visage that scared Sugar into unconsciousness, causing not only the toys to revert dorsum to their original forms but also revealed Doflamingo'south tyranny for over x years.




Sugar and Monet are sisters whom Doflamingo saved from a terrible environment when Saccharide was nine years old and Monet was 17 years old. Saccharide and Monet were never shown interacting with each other, and it is unknown if Carbohydrate has heard about Monet's death.[7]

Donquixote Pirates

Donquixote Doflamingo

As Donquixote Doflamingo is her captain, savior, and benefactor, Carbohydrate and Monet are incredibly loyal to him, willing to lay down their lives for his sake.[vii] Sugar seems to have a good relationship with Doflamingo and will follow his orders unquestioningly, keeping the toys of Dressrosa transformed.[ii] She felt that her fainting was partially her ain fault and tried to brand up for it by turning all the citizens of Dressrosa into toys.[xiii]


Despite Trebol dutifully guarding her under the orders of Doflamingo, Sugar does not get along well with him and openly expresses her want for him to die. In turn, Trebol ofttimes refers to her as a brat and treats her similar a child.[ii] [14]


Saccharide seems to exist ruthless with the lower-ranking subordinates, as when i pes soldier with a long nose gave her sausages, which triggered her trauma from her boxing against Usopp, she turned him into a toy.[thirteen] Gladius became annoyed when Sugar fainted a 2nd time and acquired her powers over the toy fighters to disperse one time once again.[16] Trafalgar Law, formerly a prominent fellow member of the crew, does not seem familiar with Sugar or her powers, every bit he gave no sign of acknowledgement or caution when she approached him and Luffy.[17]


Equally the central pillar to the Donquixote Pirates operations in the underworld, she is the near targeted and vulnerable of the coiffure, hence one of the Elite Officers acting as her bodyguard.

She is especially disliked past those who she turned into toys via her Devil Fruit ability. Upon inadvertently releasing all of her victims from her powers, she swears to turn them all back into slaves for Doflamingo.[13]

Straw Hat Pirates

After she wakes upward from being scared unconscious, Saccharide holds particular contempt and trauma for Usopp, reacting in horror whenever she sees someone with a long nose or anything that resembles such.[13] The Straw Hats were amid the many people she swore to turn into toys, though she ultimately brutal prey to Usopp'south set on over again.[17]

Abilities and Powers

As an officer of the Donquixote Pirates, she had a high level of dominance in the crew.

Physical Abilities

Sugar demonstrates her speed against a group of Tontattas.

Despite her child-like physique and having Trebol as her babysitter, Saccharide is quite formidable in terms of speed and agility, as seen when she countered a number of attacking Tontatta dwarves, who can movement fast enough that normal humans cannot see them.[15] However, she has a rather weak constitution, equally she freaked out and lost consciousness when Usopp made a horrifying visage of pain and anguish after existence forcefulness-fed the Tatababasco-laced grape.[12] This became her weakness, because whenever she sees anything that fifty-fifty remotely reminds her of Usopp's terrifying expression, she may suffer a flashback that could cause her to faint.[13] [17]

Devil Fruit

Further information: Hobi Hobi no Mi

Toys created by Sugars ability.

Sugar ate the Hobi Hobi no Mi, a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit which allows her to transform any living brute she touches into a subservient living toy. When someone gets transformed into a toy, their existence is completely erased from the memory of anybody who ever knew them.[ten] [two] This fruit also stopped her aging procedure, causing her to physically remain a child.[2] [iii]

Later turning someone into a toy, she has to create a contract with them and set rules for them to follow. A toy has no choice only to obey all of the conditions that Sugar has ordered them to follow, leaving them helplessly trapped in their toy bodies. If she fails to make said contract, and then the toy volition go along its costless will.[14]

If Sugar is e'er knocked unconscious, so all the individuals she turned into toys volition revert dorsum into their original selves. Given how many people were transformed, information technology could prove disastrous to her and the rest of her crew.



Sugar and her sister Monet used to live in a terrible environment. When Sugar was 9 years old and Monet was 17 years one-time, Donquixote Doflamingo saved them from that environment.[7] They decided to surrender their quondam lives for the sake of the Donquixote Family and seem to have joined the coiffure sometime later on Trafalgar Police left, as they were not seen with the family during Police force's time with the crew.[18]

Sugar ate the Hobi Hobi no Mi at age 10,[3] ceasing to age since then. Two years later attaining her eternal youth (eight years before the Battle of Marineford), she was seen profitable the other Donquixote Pirates in the invasion of the royal palace at Dressrosa.[8]

When Doflamingo held Riku Doldo III convict at the palace, Kyros arrived to face him. When Kyros attempted to attack Doflamingo to salvage Doldo from execution, Saccharide transformed Kyros into a toy, making him her first known victim. Despite this, Kyros managed to escape the palace with Doldo.[12] Because Carbohydrate failed to make a contract with him, Kyros retained his free will fifty-fifty as a toy.[xix]

After Doflamingo successfully took over Dressrosa, Saccharide turned many more than of the citizens into living toys. Over the years, her victims include Dressrosa's soldiers, pirates, Marines, Government officials, royalty from other countries, members of the Revolutionary Regular army, and even animals.[20]

Dressrosa Saga

Punk Hazard Arc

Sugar with Doflamingo.

Sugar was first seen sitting abreast Doflamingo on 1 of his chairs outside the Dressrosa palace. She watched and ate grapes as Infant 5 attempted to attack Doflamingo and Doflamingo talked to Vergo nearly the situation with Law.[1]

She was after seen searching for Doflamingo. She asked Lao Thou and Giolla where Doflamingo had gone, who replied that he was probably in the room on the fourth floor. Sugar told him that Doflamingo was not in the room, to which Lao G sighed and replied by proverb that Doflamingo had gone out by himself once more.[eleven]

Dressrosa Arc

She was later on seen watching the Den Den Mushis in the Dressrosa palace ring, after Doflamingo's false resignation from the Seven Warlords of the Body of water.[21] Subsequently on that solar day, Baby five asked her where Doflamingo was, to which she responded that she did not know.[22]

After the losers from the Corrida Colosseum tournament were imprisoned, she turned them into toys one at a time.[23]

While Franky was attempting to enter the Toy Business firm, Sugar heard the skirmish through a Den Den Mushi. Trebol assured Sugar that the Harbinger Hats' goal was the Grinning manufactory and that she could just plough them into toys if they managed to reach that far. Trebol also told her with certainty that nobody knew of her existence, though he was incorrect about that. Sugar remained calm, apparently unaware that she was the target of Usopp, Robin, Kyros, and an army of dwarves.[9]

When Cavendish was brought to the executive tower, Sugar transformed him into a toy and put him under the control of the Donquixote Family. Meanwhile, Usopp and the dwarves stood outside her room as Leo discussed poisoning Sugar with Tatababasco disguised as a grape, which would knock her out.[14]

Carbohydrate transforms several dwarves into toys.

Robin, disguised as one of Doflamingo's subordinates, entered the room and lured Trebol out of the tower. In one case Trebol left, a group of dwarves charged in and rushed at Saccharide. The set on failed when Sugar transformed some of the dwarves into her toy servants and ordered them to kill all the intruders in the tower. While her toys battled the rest of the dwarves, she picked upward a Den Den Mushi and warned Trebol of the trap.[15]

She was taken past surprise when a ship thrown past Trebol crashed into the tower.[19]

Robin used her Devil Fruit powers in an endeavour to knock out Saccharide with the spice the dwarves were going to use. Carbohydrate escaped her clutches by touching 1 of her arms, transforming Robin into a toy. With Trebol abreast her and all the dwarves incapacitated, Saccharide picked upwards the faux grape and took a look at it.[24]

Sugar freaks out upon witnessing Usopp's visage.

Afterwards Usopp was beaten badly from his fight with Trebol, Saccharide forced the faux grape into his mouth. Later a moment, Usopp started screaming in pain and made a tortured expression so startling that it acquired her to repeat his horrific scream, pass out, and foam at the rima oris.[12]

With Sugar's loss of consciousness, her powers were cleaved, and every living thing she had turned into a toy over the by ten years turned back to its original form, simultaneously restoring all the lost memories associated with them. This resulted in a mass panic throughout the kingdom, as families reunited, pirates and wild beasts raged, and the Donquixote Family unit's control of Dressrosa crumbled.[20]

She was after seen, even so unconscious, at the imperial palace, which had been relocated to the top of the Blossom Hill past Pica.[25]

Some time later on that, she was revived cheers to the powers of Princess Mansherry'southward Devil Fruit ability.[26] Later on re-enkindling, she developed a fearfulness of long noses and things that look like long noses. She created an ground forces of behemothic nutcrackers, each consisting of eight humans, to defend the palace. She also swore to plough the people of Dressrosa into toys again and get revenge on Usopp.[27]

Sugar freaks out over again thank you to Usopp'southward technique.

She headed to the Castle Garden to come across Luffy and Police force after being informed of their presence past her subordinates. She prepared to exact revenge past touching them and erasing their unabridged being. Just every bit she got close to the 2, Usopp locked on to Sugar from the erstwhile Rex'due south Plateau, launching a "Long Range Bagworm" later awakening his Kenbunshoku Haki. The bagworm independent a recreation of Usopp's Tatababasco face up made past Kanjuro, which flew by Sugar at close range and high speed. This attack caused Sugar to relive her before trauma and lose consciousness once once more, saving both Luffy and Law from her powers.[28]

She was subsequently brought to the timeout room aslope the defeated Lao G, Machvise, Dellinger and Gladius. Giolla intended to use Mansherry's healing powers to revive them. Still, Leo and Kabu thwarted Giolla's plans, defeated her, and rescued Mansherry.[26]

Afterwards Doflamingo's defeat, Sugar and her beau officers were arrested by the Marines.[29]

Major Battles

  • Sugar vs. Dwarves of Tontatta Kingdom
  • Sugar vs. Nico Robin
  • Sugar vs. Usopp


Video Games

Playable Appearances

  • One Slice G Storm
  • Ane Piece Treasure Cruise
  • One Slice: Burning Volition

Support Appearances

  • 1 Piece: Super K Battle! Ten
  • I Piece: Dandy Pirate Colosseum
  • Ane Slice Bounty Rush


  • She was the last officer of the Donquixote Pirates to exist identified,[2] although her name was dropped earlier past Cotton during her written report to Thunder Soldier.[xxx]
  • In the 5th Japanese Fan Poll, Sugar ranked 39th, making her the most pop officer of Doflamingo'south coiffure. However, she did not identify in the sixth poll.
  • Her fruit-capped fingers behave a resemblance to the modernistic Footling Jack Horner nursery rhyme.
  • Ever since Usopp scared her to unconsciousness, her monocle has remained broken for the duration of her appearance in the arc (due to her centre comically bulging enough to really break the glass).
  • Sugar is the 2nd opponent defeated by Usopp through psychological fear (the beginning being Perona).
  • Sugar's favorite food is grapes.[5]
  • Carbohydrate's birthday of October 22nd was created equally a nod to her age, every bit she looks 10 just is actually 22.[four]


  1. one.0 one.1 1.2 One Slice Manga and Anime — Vol. 69 Chapter 682 and Episode 608.
  2. two.0 two.1 ii.2 2.3 2.4 two.5 two.6 ii.7 two.8 2.ix One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 73 Chapter 731 and Episode 663.
  3. three.0 3.ane 3.two three.3 SBS I Piece Manga — Vol. 75.
  4. four.0 four.ane SBS 1 Slice Manga — Vol. 84.
  5. five.0 five.1 v.two v.three Vivre Carte du jour - One Piece Visual Lexicon (Menu #0903), Data almost Sugar is revealed.
  6. Ane Slice Anime — Episode 620.
  7. 7.0 vii.ane vii.2 7.3 SBS I Slice Manga — Vol. 77, Oda reveals that Monet and Sugar are siblings.
  8. 8.0 viii.1 8.ii One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 73 Chapter 728 and Episode 660.
  9. 9.0 ix.1 Ane Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 74 Chapter 732 and Episode 664.
  10. 10.0 x.1 One Slice Manga and Anime — Vol. 72 Affiliate 717 and Episode 647.
  11. 11.0 11.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 70 Affiliate 694 and Episode 620.
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.ii 12.iii One Slice Manga and Anime — Vol. 74 Chapter 742 and Episode 676.
  13. 13.0 13.ii 13.3 13.four 13.5 One Slice Manga and Anime — Vol. 76 Affiliate 756 (p. 11) and Episode 694, Carbohydrate develops a phobia of anything that resembles Usopp's long nose.
  14. 14.0 xiv.ane 14.two 14.3 Ane Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 74 Affiliate 737 and Episode 669.
  15. 15.0 15.1 15.ii One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 74 Chapter 738 and Episode 671.
  16. One Slice Manga — Vol. 76 Chapter 759 (p. 3), Gladius becomes bellyaching when Saccharide fainted again.
  17. 17.0 17.1 17.2 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 76 Affiliate 758 (p. xiii-fifteen) and Episode 698, Law seems oblivious to Sugar's identity.
  18. I Slice Manga and Anime — Vol. 76 Chapter 762 (p. two-3) and Episode 701, Saccharide non yet seen amongst the primary members of the crew.
  19. 19.0 xix.1 1 Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 74 Affiliate 739 and Episode 672.
  20. 20.0 20.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 75 Chapter 743 and Episode 677.
  21. I Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 70 Chapter 700 (p. iv) and Episode 628.
  22. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. lxx Chapter 700 (p. fifteen) and Episode 629.
  23. 1 Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 73 Chapter 726 and Episode 658.
  24. One Slice Manga and Anime — Vol. 74 Affiliate 740 and Episode 674.
  25. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 75 Affiliate 747 and Episode 682.
  26. 26.0 26.1 Ane Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 77 Chapter 774 and Episode 714.
  27. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 76 Chapter 756 and Episode 694.
  28. I Slice Manga and Anime — Vol. 76 Affiliate 758 and Episodes 694–697.
  29. 1 Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 79 Affiliate 792 and Episode 735.
  30. I Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 72 Chapter 718 and Episode 648.

Site Navigation

[v ·e ·?]

Donquixote Pirates

Helm: Donquixote Doflamingo
Elite Officers: Vergo   • Trebol  • Diamante  • Pica  • Corazon
Officers: Sugar   • Violet   • Giolla  • Lao G  • Senor Pink  • Machvise  • Dellinger  • Gladius  • Buffalo  • Baby 5   • Monet   • Kardia
Other Members: Bellamy   • Kyuin   • Trafalgar Law   • Lambor Bukini
Subordinates: Bellamy Pirates   • Caesar Clown   • Disco   • Homey
Allies and Affiliates: Seven Warlords of the Body of water   • Beasts Pirates (Kaidou)   • Ibusu   • CP0   • Gran Tesoro (Club Tesoro)
Send(due south): Numancia Flamingo  • SAD Tanker
Devil Fruit Based: Ito Ito no Mi  • Beta Beta no Mi  • Hira Hira no Mi  • Ishi Ishi no Mi  • Nagi Nagi no Mi*   • Hobi Hobi no Mi  • Giro Giro no Mi   • Ato Ato no Mi  • Sui Sui no Mi  • Ton Ton no Mi  • Pamu Pamu no Mi  • Guru Guru no Mi  • Buki Buki no Mi   • Yuki Yuki no Mi   • Blight Bane no Mi   • Gasu Gasu no Mi   • Gutsu Gutsu no Mi   • Nibi Nibi no Mi
Fighting Style Based: Haki  • Rokushiki  • Jio-Ken
Related Articles
Story Arcs: Jaya Arc  • Long Ring Long Land Arc  • Sabaody Archipelago Arc  • Marineford Arc  • Punk Hazard Arc  • Dressrosa Arc
Specials: Episode of Sabo
Movies: I Piece Pic: Gold*
Locations: Spider Miles  • Rakesh  • Mock Town  • Man Auctioning House  • Punk Hazard  • Dressrosa (Acacia  • Corrida Colosseum  • Sebio  • Bloom Field  • Grinning Manufacturing plant)  • Green Bit  • Mary Geoise  • Impel Down  • Paradise Island
Belongings: Mera Mera no Mi   • Goru Goru no Mi
Others: Sorry  • SMILE  • Toys  • World Noble (Donquixote Family unit)  • Ope Ope no Mi  • Heart Pirates  • Russian  • Gimlet  • Kuen Hamlet  • Will of D.

[v ·e ·?]


Riku Family unit: Riku Doldo III  • Scarlett   • Kyros  • Viola  • Rebecca
Donquixote Family unit: Donquixote Doflamingo   • Trebol   • Diamante   • Pica   • Machvise   • Lao G   • Giolla   • Baby 5   • Gladius   • Buffalo   • Senor Pink   • Dellinger   • Monet   • Carbohydrate   • Bellamy
Other Citizens: Gatz  • Spartan  • Tank Lepanto  • Ucy  • Esta  • Milo  • Mario  • Aremo Ganmi  • Mukkashimi Tower  • Kyuin  • Tegata Ringana  • Shin Detamaruka  • Shin Jaiya  • Uhho  • Maria   • Antonio
Devil Fruit Based: Giro Giro no Mi  • Ito Ito no Mi   • Beta Beta no Mi   • Hira Hira no Mi   • Ishi Ishi no Mi   • Hobi Hobi no Mi   • Ato Ato no Mi   • Sui Sui no Mi   • Ton Ton no Mi   • Pamu Pamu no Mi   • Guru Guru no Mi   • Buki Buki no Mi   • Yuki Yuki no Mi   • Blight Bane no Mi
Fighting Style Based: Haki  • Jio-Ken
Related Articles
Locations: Acacia  • Sebio  • Carta  • Primula  • Corrida Colosseum  • Flower Colina  • SMILE Factory
Allies: World Government  • Tontatta Kingdom  • Prodence Kingdom  • Straw Lid Pirates  • Straw Hat Grand Fleet
Story Arcs: Punk Run a risk Arc  • Dressrosa Arc  • Whole Block Island Arc  • Levely Arc
Cover Stories: The Stories of the Self-Proclaimed Harbinger Hat Chiliad Armada  • "Gang" Bege'south Oh My Family
Others: Grinning  • Toys  • Green Bit (Dwarves)  • Functioning SOP  • Elegant Sunflower  • Levely  • Germ Pirates

[v ·e ·?]

N Blueish Inhabitants

N Bluish Civilians
Lvneel Kingdom: Mont Blanc Noland   • Honner   • Aruyutayan Five   • Mont Blanc Cricket
Flevance: Trafalgar D. Water Police force  • Lami
Swallow Island: Shachi  • Penguin  • Wolf   • Rudd   • Artur Bacca   • Koni Boakeno
Detect: Bellamy  • Sarquiss  • Lily  • Ross  • Eddy  • Hewitt  • Rivers  • Mani  • Muret
Germa Kingdom: Vinsmoke Estimate  • Vinsmoke Sora   • Vinsmoke Reiju  • Vinsmoke Ichiji  • Vinsmoke Niji  • Vinsmoke Sanji  • Vinsmoke Yonji  • Cosette  • Époni  • Nyasha
Other Pirates: Benn Beckman  • Masira  • Md Q  • Thatch  • Oars  • Hawkins Pirates (Basil Hawkins  • Faust)  • X Drake  • Vista  • Fossa  • Avalo Pizarro  • Caribou Pirates (Caribou  • Coribou)  • Donquixote Pirates (Monet   • Vergo   • Sugar   • Baby five  • Machvise  • Gladius  • Giolla  • Lao G  • Buffalo  • Trebol  • Diamante  • Pica  • Senor Pink  • Dellinger)  • Wellington  • Diez Barrels  • Who's-Who  • Psycho P
Others: Fullbody  • Marianne  • Tsuru  • Blueno  • Jabra  • Sakazuki  • Borsalino  • Blugori  • Surume  • Karasu  • Count Times
Devil Fruit Based: Bane Bane no Mi  • Ito Ito no Mi  • Woshu Woshu no Mi  • Doa Doa no Mi  • Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Wolf  • Ope Ope no Mi  • Pika Pika no Mi  • Wara Wara no Mi  • Ryu Ryu no Mi, Model: Allosaurus  • Magu Magu no Mi  • Numa Numa no Mi  • Yuki Yuki no Mi  • Buki Buki no Mi  • Hobi Hobi no Mi  • Ton Ton no Mi  • Pamu Pamu no Mi  • Ato Ato no Mi  • Guru Guru no Mi  • Beta Beta no Mi  • Hira Hira no Mi  • Ishi Ishi no Mi  • Sui Sui no Mi  • Nagi Nagi no Mi  • Neko Neko no Mi, Model: Saber Tiger  • Dero Dero no Mi   • Iro Iro no Mi
Fighting Styles Based: Black Leg Fashion  • Haki  • Rokushiki  • Jio-Ken
Weapon Based: Kikoku  • Raid Suit
Other: Colors Trap
Related Articles
Story Arcs: Fiddling Garden Arc  • Skypiea Arc  • Marineford Arc  • Dressrosa Arc  • Whole Cake Island Arc
Other Locations: Spider Miles  • Rakesh  • Minion Island  • Rubeck Island

[5 ·due east ·?]

Devil Fruit Users

Canon: Monkey D. Luffy  • Buggy  • Alvida  • Gem  • Mikita  • Nico Robin  • Galdino  • Wapol  • Bentham  • Daz Bonez  • Zala  • Hina  • Bellamy  • Donquixote Doflamingo  • Foxy  • Blueno  • Kalifa  • Very Proficient  • Shu  • Sharinguru  • Perona  • Brook  • Gecko Moria  • Absalom   • Bartholomew Kuma  • Jewelry Bonney  • Eustass Kid  • Trafalgar D. H2o Law  • Capone Bege  • Urouge  • Basil Hawkins  • Scratchmen Apoo  • Boa Hancock  • Magellan  • Emporio Ivankov  • Inazuma  • Edward Newgate   • Jozu  • Blamenco  • Tsuru  • Shiki  • Sanjuan Wolf  • Marshall D. Teach  • Vander Decken IX  • Kin'emon  • Saccharide   • Baby 5  • Buffalo  • Trebol  • Issho  • Bartolomeo  • Leo  • Viola  • Giolla  • Kelly Funk  • Gladius  • Senor Pinkish  • Machvise  • Diamante  • Pica  • Kurozumi Kanjuro?   • Donquixote Rosinante   • Mansherry  • Charlotte Linlin?   • Charlotte Brûlée  • Charlotte Perospero  • Charlotte Cracker  • Charlotte Galette  • Charlotte Mont-d'Or  • Charlotte Opera?   • Charlotte Smoothie  • Charlotte Pudding  • Charlotte Katakuri  • Charlotte Daifuku  • Charlotte Oven  • Carmel   • Streusen  • Charlotte Newshi  • Belo Betty  • Morley  • Tama  • Kozuki Toki   • Shinobu  • Shiryu  • Kurozumi Higurashi   • Kurozumi Semimaru   • Raizo
Non-Canon: Eldoraggo  • Apis  • Eric?   • Comport King  • Noko  • Blyue  • Accino  • Musshuru  • Largo  • Chameleone  • Lily Enstomach  • Ain  • Binz  • Lambor Bukini  • Brood  • Bildy  • Byrnndi World  • Gairam  • Inchikin  • Bürst  • Bonbon  • Neb   • Tanaka  • Aveyron  • Mad Treasure  • Psycho P  • Order Tesoro  • Baccarat  • Wilder  • Pokke  • Ann  • Bad One Gracie  • Neiro  • Bounty  • Prize  • Artur Bacca  • Balzac  • Douglas Bullet  • Kardia
Canon: Smoker  • Crocodile  • Portgas D. Ace   • Enel  • Kuzan  • Marshall D. Teach  • Borsalino  • Sakazuki  • Caribou  • Caesar Clown  • Monet   • Sabo
Non-Canon: Honey Queen  • Simon  • Gasparde
Canon (Natural): Monkey D. Luffy*   • Dalton  • Tony Tony Chopper  • Pell  • Lassoo  • Drophy  • Chaka  • Pierre  • Rob Lucci  • Funkfreed  • Jabra  • Kaku  • X Drake*   • Boa Marigold  • Boa Sandersonia  • Minotaurus  • Minokoala  • Minorhinoceros  • Minozebra  • Onigumo  • Dalmatian  • Epoida  • Marco*   • Sengoku*   • Pekoms  • Tamago  • Minochihuahua  • Smiley   • Kabu  • Bian  • Jack*   • Morgans  • Bunbuku  • Kaidou*   • Catarina Devon*   • Kurozumi Orochi*?   • Folio One*   • Rex*   • Onimaru*   • Queen*   • Ulti*   • Sasaki*   • Black Maria*   • Who'southward-Who*   • Yamato*
Canon (Bogus): Kozuki Momonosuke  • Gifters (Sheepshead  • Ginrummy  • Batman  • Gazelleman‎  • Mouseman  • Holdem  • Snakeman  • Rabbitman  • Speed  • Sarahebi  • Dobon  • Alpacaman  • Daifugo  • Babanuki  • Solitaire  • Madilloman  • Dachoman  • Bao Huang  • Tenjo-Sagari  • Briscola  • Fourtricks  • Hamlet  • Mizerka  • Poker  • Nure-Onna  • Caimanlady  • Wanyudo)
Not-Canon: Chiqicheetah  • Fizz  • Alpacacino  • Pato*   • Patrick Redfield*   • All-Chase Grount  • Toratsugu*   • Trio the Grip*   • Bearman*   • Tigerman*   • Llamaman*
Undetermined Grade
Canon: Laffitte  • Karasu
Non-Catechism: Smash  • Graydle

[v ·e ·?]


Ex-Toys: Kyros (Thunder Soldier)  • Milo (Onepoco)  • Sai  • Boo  • Abdullah  • Jeet  • Cavendish  • Hack  • Elizabello II  • Flapper  • Nico Robin  • Hajrudin  • Dagama  • Chinjao  • Ideo  • Blue Gilly  • Orlumbus  • Kelly Funk  • Bobby Funk  • Uhho
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Locations: Dressrosa (Acacia  • Grinning Factory)
Story Arcs: Dressrosa Arc
Others: Saccharide (Hobi Hobi no Mi)


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