Is 100 Endgames You Must Know a Good First Endgame Book




The book 100 Endgames You lot must Know by GM Jesus de la Villa was originally published in 2008. The volume apace became an international bestseller and an updated quaternary edition was published in 2015. In 2017 it was converted into a course on Chessable, the spaced repetition learning environment. It is past far the nigh popular course on Chessable and currently has virtually 3,000 students.

GM and former world champion Alexandra Kosteniuk stated that she actually enjoyed the book and made wink cards for each of the 100 positions with on one side the diagram and on the other side the solution. She would quiz herself until she new all the 100 endgames by heart. Clearly, this was earlier Chessable was available!

Some players believe that studying endgames is bad use of their time considering they seldom accomplish the endgame phase. Although this argument past itself puts a major restriction on your development towards becoming a complete chess player, I believe there are also other compelling reasons to study endgames. Endgames are an ideal playground to learn to visualize and calculate.  One parent asked me why adding exercises are of import if you are already doing tactics. When you do tactics as a 1500 player, the solution are oftentimes four half-moves deep and the lines forced. In endgames, due east.g. pawn endgames, a 1500 player will have to calculate much deeper and take into account different responses of the opponent. Another reason to report endgames is that yous get a better feeling for the 'value' of the pieces and their cooperation with other pieces.  In this context I use the term 'value of the pieces' broadly, information technology is developing a feeling for their reach and their relative strength and weakness in different types of positions. Finally, in order to play the middle-game correctly yous accept to correctly assess the transition from centre-game to endgame after the exchange of pieces. How tin can yous make the right choices in the centre-game if you can not evaluate positions that might arise after piece trades?

Let's look at an example from the commencement Chapter - Basic Endings.

White To Move.

Tin White strength an entry for his king with lx.Qe5?

Before nosotros consider the transition to a pawn endgame with Rxe5 we accept to see if Black has any other moves. White wants to play Ke6-Kf7 and if the rook defends on the g-file then button f5-f6. Black could endeavor 1... Qe5 Rh1 just that fails to 2.Ke6 Rxh4 3.Kf7 Rg4 4.Qf5+. and White wins

And then we at present know that nosotros can focus on the pawn ending that arises after one.Qe5 Rxe5 2.fxe5 because White will non win with ii isolated pawns against Blacks g- and h-pawn after 2.Kxe5.

What tin can Black play after 1.Qe5 Rxe5 2.fxe5? The primary move my students mention is ii... Kg8 in guild to try to block the passed pawn with Kf8 and Ke8. How should White continue at present? Based on the principle of 'shielding off the Blackness king' a logical continuation is 3.Ke6 followed by four.Kd7. Annotation that after 3.Ke6 g5 4.hxg5 hxg5 5.Kd7 g4 6.e6 g3 7.e7 g2 eight.e8:Q+ White promotes with check and wins the game. Were you able to calculate and visualize the position upward to 8.e8:Q+? Do y'all agree that you seldom solve a tactics exercise with 16 one-half-moves?

Did nosotros consider all reasonable moves of Black? Hmm, how about ane.Qe5 Rxe5 ii.fxe5 g5. Now the Black rex is not on the back rank and then there is no promotion with check winning a tempo, White can attempt 3.hxg5 hxg5 4.Kxg5 or 3.e6.

Simply how to assess the situation afterwards iii.hxg5 hxg5 4.Kxg5 Kg7. Many players know the principles of the key squares. The key squares of the pawn of e5 are d6, e6 and f6 and after 4... Kg7 White is not able to occupy a cardinal square. So a describe after all?

At this moment the introduction in the chapter comes into play. It contains the following diagram:

The aim or the diagram is to alert the reader to the danger of losing the opposition.
So, no this is not a describe!! After 5.e6 White wins because of obtaining the opposition. Now we can finally conclude that one.Qe5 is indeed a winning continuation.

I hope that this example convinced you that this endgame book is about much more than endgame technique. It learns you to calculate a variation tree and consider opponents moves. It will develop your visualization skills and give you a better feeling for the pieces and their coordination.

The book contains in full 300 exercises. Chapter 9 (rook + pawn vs. rook) and chapter 11 (pawn endings) rightfully are the largest chapters in the workbook with in total 106. Each chapter starts with a short introductory text and a number of important theoretical positions. This is followed by the exercises, often in the form of a question. All the exercises are from over-the-lath games and are based on their practical value to the pupil.

  • Chapter 1: Basic endings (24)
  • Chapter ii: Knight vs. pawn (12)
  • Chapter 3: Queen vs. pawn (12)
  • Chapter 4: Rook vs. pawn (32)
  • Chapter 5: Rook vs. 2 pawns (13)
  • Chapter 6: Aforementioned-colored bishops: bishop + pawn vs. bishop (12)
  • Chapter 7: Bishop vs knight: one pawn on the board (12)
  • Chapter 8: Opposite-colored bishops: bishop + two pawns vs. bishop (24)
  • Chapter nine: Rook + pawn vs. rook (50)
  • Chapter 10: Rook + two pawns vs. rook (fifteen)
  • Chapter 11: Pawn endings (56)
  • Chapter 12: Other material relations (18)
  • Chapter 13: Appendix (xx)
  • Affiliate 14: Solutions to exercises

The exercises in each chapter are organized in increasing level or difficulty making this book suitable for the boilerplate player to players at primary level. In the chapter with Solutions a reference to the relevant chapter in 100 Endgames You Must Know has been included. This makes it piece of cake to restudy the theory once again if yous accept difficulty with solving these practical exercises.

Decision: I love this book! In social club to principal endgame principles y'all volition demand to exercise them. The 100 Endgames Yous Must Know WORKBOOK provides 300 practical examples to reinforce the endgame theory that you learned in the 100 Endgames Y'all Must Know volume. The book will improve you lot adding and visualization skills and build a deeper understanding of the value of the pieces and their cooperation. I am certain that this book will not simply improve your endgame but your chess level in general.

The list toll for the paperback version in the Us is $24.95. It is available at Amazon for $16.34 (Kindle $15.52). The digital version on Frontwards Chess  is  $17.99. The targeted release date on Chessable is June 17. The price at Chessable is unknown to me at this moment, I await it to exist on sale in the kickoff calendar week.


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