What Is Raised Part in Middle of Cabinet Door Back Called

1.2.1. Open your Market Leader book on page 67, the listen to the CD and do exercise A, B, C and D.

A. Jefft Toms ins Marketing Director at an international cultural training centre. Listen to the part of the interview and answer the questions.

1. What two factors affect the 'Middle East clock'?
The two factors are the prayers times and the movements of the sun and the moon.

2. What can cause problems for American when they do business with Latin cultures?
The americans are very keen, Time is money. They are not interested in  relationships building. To they is most important sell to you product and get out agenda fastly as be possible. In change, Latin cultures prefer relationships building, invite you to their  home to close business.

B. Listen to the second part of the interview and say what qualities companies should look for when sending staff abroad.
The qualities companies should look for when sending staff abroad are: adaptability and flexibility


D. If you could be sent anywhere in the world to work, which country would you choose? What aspects of its culture do you particularly like?
I would choose China, because they are very intelligent, disciplined and spiritual.

1.2.2. Open your Market Leader book on page 68, the listen to the CD and do exercise A, B, C and D.
A.  Complete the idioms in the sentences below with the  words in the box.
2. I was thrown in at the deep


when my company sent me to run the German office. I was only given two days' notice to get everything ready.

3. We don't se eye to


with our US parent company about punctuality. We have very different ideas about what being 'on time' means. It's question of culture.

4. I got into hot


with my boss for wearing casual clothes to the meeting with the potencial Japanese customers.

5. I really put my foot in it when I meet our Spanish partner. Because I was nervous, I said 'Who are you?' rather than 'How are you?'

6. I get on like a house on fire with our Polish agent; we like the same things and have the same sense of humour.

7. When I visited China for the first time, I was like a fish out of water . Everything was so different, and I couldn't read any of the signs.

8. My first meeting with our overseas clients was a real


-opener. I hadn't seen that style of negotiation before.

C. Consider the context of each idiom in Exercise A and decide which have:
a) a positive meaning = 1, 6, 8.
b) a negative meaning = 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7.


1.2.3. Open your Market Leader book on page 71, the listen to the CD and do exercise A, B, C, D, E, F and G.

A. Listen to a conversation between two people who have recently met. What is wrong? How can it be improved?
So where did you go on holiday, then?

Where did you go on holiday?

Yes, It was OK

Yes, I did

A which part of Italy did you go to?

A which part of Italy did you go?

We're busy.

I'm going busy

B. In what business situations would you use these expressions?

  • Congratulations: Close a business
  • Cheers!: business dinner
  • Make yourself at home: business visit
  • I don't mind: business failed
  • Excuse me: delay time
  • Sorry: There weren't business
  • I'm afraid: When there is uncertainty
  • Yes, please: business dinner
  • Could you:  business lunch
  • That sounds good: listening to offer
  • After you:  business luch
  • That's no problem: close a business
  • Bad luck: lost a business
  • Not at all: There isn't agreement

C. What would you say in the following situations?

  • You don't hear someone's name when you are introduced to them. I'm sorry, I couldn't hear
  • You have to refuse an invitation to dinner with a supplier. I'm Sorry.
  • You are offered food you hate. I'm Sorry, no thanks
  • You want to end a conversation in a diplomatic way. Excuse me
  • You have to greet a visitor. Welcome
  • You have introduce two people to each other. I Introduce you to
  • You offer to pay for a meal. That's no problem
  • You have to propose a toast. Cheers
  • You colleague has been made redundant. That's no problem
  • You arrive half an hour late for a meeting. Excuse me


F. What are the 'safe' topics of conversation for this sort of situation?
Which topics would you avoid?
The topics of conversation can be, hotels, foods, companies where they working, business trips that they have done.
And topics to avoid can be: personal things, topics sensible of cultures.



2.1 Starting up: Open your Market Leader book on page 74 and do exercise A, B and C.
A. In your opinion, which factors below are important for getting a job? Choose the five most important. Is there anything missing from the list? Which do you think are not important? Why?

Factors important, because these do to the person a be integral.

  • appearance
  • intelligence
  • references
  • education
  • experience
  • personality
  • contacts / connections
  • handwriting

Five factors most important, because these determine the preparation of person.

  • intelligence
  • references
  • education
  • experience
  • personality

Factors not important, because these not determine if person is good to apply to a job. This would be racism or discrimination.

  • marital status
  • age / gender
  • qualificationes
  • family background
  • hobbies / interests
  • sickness record
  • astrological sign
  • blood group

B. Think about jobs you've had and interviews you've attended. In pairs, ask each other about your best or worst:
a) job
my best job is where work currently. Contelac LTDA
my worst job was at the Universidad de Cordoba. There I worked as teacher.

b) boss
my best boss is my currently boss, he is generous.
my worst boss was Rosemberg Rodriguez, when i worked in a computers store.

c) colleague
my best colleague was Chris Sancius, when i worked in Universidad of Cordoba

my worst colleage was Dair Diaz, he was a bored person.

a) interview experience
my best interview experience was when I applied at Contelac LTDA
my worst interview experience, I believe that I have not had.

b) interview question
I don't remember.

c) interview answer
I don't remember now

C. Discuss the statements
1. At work, appearance is more important than performance.
False, because productivity and effectiveness are need at work.

2. You should keep your private file totally separate from your work.
True, you never should combine the troubles of home with work.

3. People don't change much during their working lives.
False, you always learn new things that help you improve.

4. It is best to work for as few companies as possible.
False, between more companies, you win most experience.

5. Everybody should retire at 50.
False, you should retire when you can't work more.

2.2 Vocabulary: Employment the right person: Open your Market Leader book on page 75 and do exercises A, B, C, D, E and F.
A and B

D. When companies are recruiting, what sort of qualities in employees do they look for?
They look for people who have had experience, that be honest, creative, punctual and enthusiastic.


F. Mark the stress on the adjectives in Exercise E. Then listen and check your answer.

1. Which three qualities listed in Exercise E best describe you?
I have the following qualities: I'm creative, adaptable and objetive.

2. Which of the different types of people have you worked or studied with?
At Universidad de Cordoba I worked with people creative, methodical and enthusiastic.

3. Which of the different types of people do you think are easy or difficult to work with?
Is difficult you work with people ambitious because they can hurt to your colleagues for pursue their objectives

2.3 Language review
Advise: Obligation and necessity: Open your Market Leader book on page 70, read the explanation given on it and on page 149 ( grammar reference) about Modal Verbs, then do exercises A and B.

ING forms and infinitives: Open your Market Leader book on page 78, read the explanation given on it and on page 149 ( grammar reference) about Modal Verbs, then do exercises A, B, C and D .


B. Match the sentences halves.

  1. HR recommends using the cheapest form of transport.
  2. The company simply can't afford to raise the minimum wage.
  3. This job involves working weekends sometimes.
  4. The manager seemed impressed by my CV and promised to call me back in a couple of days.
  5. Three members of staff stopped smoking after the programme.
  6. He was fired because he refused to follow a directive given by this superior.


Conditions: Open your Market Leader book on page 86, read the explanation given on page 150 about Conditions, then do exercises A, B and C.



What Is Raised Part in Middle of Cabinet Door Back Called

Source: http://thoughtsandideas2014.blogspot.com/p/learning-guide-3.html

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